It seems such a simple statement, completely self-evident, and yet here I am writing an article about the topic because not nearly enough conservative candidates understand the critical truth represented by it.
Conservative candidates are already at a disadvantage on a national level because of media bias. Just look at the research done by Media Research Center [reported by Fox News] that shows 96% of all coverage on President Trump since the Impeachment Hearings began has been negative. More and more, that bias extends to candidates at local and state level offices because the media gets its marching orders to ‘hamstring’ all conservative candidates and show them in a bad light.
During a political campaign the candidate should be trying to accomplish a number of goals in order to increase their chance of being elected. Sometimes those goals seem straightforward and easy to achieve. You have to let people know who you are, you have to let them know what you legislative and policy goals will be, you have to build a base of volunteers and communicate with them, and you have to raise money in order to power your campaign. Straightforward enough, but since you are but one person, and given that you can’t be everywhere at once, you need to have something that can leverage your presence and help you efficiently use you time. You need something that can scale over time.
Websites are the most important campaigner you can have. They work tirelessly, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for very little pay. They also don’t misspeak.
Let’s talk in-depth about the objectives for the conservative candidate campaign and how campaign websites can help you meet those objectives.
Showing Constituents Who You Are
Big part of your campaign is showing the pope that you are going to represent, who you are, where you cam from, what you’ve accomplished. You can do that with ‘Meet & Greets’, an autobiography, or a TV documentary. Let’s face it, for most candidates, that last two are out of the question. Unless you are wealthy or famous, a candidate is going to be stuck with ‘Meet & Greets.’ But a as a candidate, you can’t be everywhere, all the time. That’s were the campaign website comes in.
Craft a well written Bio that includes all the things you want you prospective voters to know and you have leveraged your time. Include stories from you past, things that motivate you to serve, pictures, accomplishments, introduce your family. Make it inspiring. Make it engaging. Make it work for you. You Bio can tell your story to every visitor that comes to you campaign website. And it can tell that story 100% accurately, in your own words. It can be updated as things change. It can be updated after you accomplish things in office. It will remain a terrific source of information for old voters and new voters as they move into the area that you represent.
Showing Constituents What You Stand For
If you hope to get people to vote for you, you have to tell them what you stand for. You have to let them know what you will do for them as their representative. You can do that in debates and at Meet & Greets. But the best place to do it is on your website. Again, your website can present that information night and day, and it can do it accurately. Your website isn’t nearly as subject to being misquoted by the media as your spoken words are. What you put on your campaign website as your policies and legislative agenda are ‘written in stone’ until YOU make the decision to change them.
Also, your campaign website serves as a repository for your policies and agenda after you take office. Your ‘tribe’, your supporters, your constituents and the general public will have one place ingrained in their psyche of where they should go to find out what you think about the issues. It’s part of building your brand as a political servant. You should never consider shutting down your website after you win office, or even if you lose your election, unless or until you decides you will no longer participate in politics.
Building Lists of Supporters & Volunteers
No candidate for political office can possibly hope to win any election unless they build a large following of people who support them and are willing to volunteer for them. Whether that support comes in the form a signing up to be on the newsletter list, or to organize neighborhood coffees, or to go door to door campaigning for you, there is no better way to build that list than by giving your constituents a place to visit and sign up. In fact, with a conversion focused effort on your conservative candidate website, with multiple calls to action, you can build a list of supporters much faster than you can do it any other way.
After you are in office, if you want to stay in political service, you still need to be building your list of supporters, getting their email addresses so that you can continue to reach out to them and elicit their help and support for the agenda that you (and they) are trying to move ahead.
Solicit Campaign Contributions
Volunteers are the the ‘soldiers on the ground’ who help bring your political fight for votes to the street. BUT, donations are the life-blood of your campaign. Unless you can successful build a war chest of money during the time you seek office, you won’t be able to provide the materials you need to get the word out and get name recognition. You won’t be able to buy yard signs for volunteers to distribute. You won’t be able to have a campaign head quarters where volunteers can make calls for you. You won’t be able to run ads on radio or TV. You won’t be able to send out mailers. Without donations to your campaign, you wont’ be able to win. It is also much better to have a LOT of campaign donations in small amounts that it is to have a few very large donations. Large donations from a few ‘connected’ individuals make for bad optics. Plus those folks can only vote for you once each. While with lots of donors who give moderately, your campaign disclosures don’t present bad optics, and those many donors represent more voters for you.
After you win the election, you’ll need to continue to raise money… for your next election. For as long as you remain in politics, you will need to raise money to continue to win elections. taking down your website removes the easiest, most efficient way to gather donations to the cause. It’s also much easier to track and maintain records of donations that are made on your campaign/political website so that you remain in compliance.
Keep Constituents Informed
Conservative candidates for office, and conservatives who win office cannot count on the main stream media to keep their prospective voters truthfully informed about what real issues are. That is why they must do everything they can to inform the public, those they seek to have vote for them, what the truth is and what they stand for and do on a daily basis. There is no better way to do that during the campaign than with blogging on your campaign website.
Likewise, once you are in office, you will continue to need to have a place where you can speak your truth to the voters and those you represent. You don’t want to depend on others to do that for you. You also don’t want to let your political opponents get the upper hand and portray things that happened in meetings and during votes that put you in a bad light. You have to constantly let your supporters know what’s going on. You also need to have a way for them to give you feedback. The comments section on your blog articles is a GREAT way to give them an open line of communications to do just that.
If you have taken the time to read this far and I haven’t convinced you, then please tell me in the comments below why you don’t agree and where I’m wrong. If you are a conservative candidate for political office, please check out our sales page, then schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you with your campaign website.