Yesterday I wrote an article announcing the launch of our new service for conservative political candidates. It was almost exactly 1000 words long. Seems like that was TMI (too much information.) I got more than one person asking me what it was and how it worked. What follows below is my attempt to help simplify the announcement.
- service is open for business.
- We build, host, and maintain custom websites for conservative political candidates at all levels of government in the USA.
- We have three levels of service, from simple managed hosting to full on totally done-for-you service.
- Silver Level (managed hosting only) is $29.99/month – total upfront fee is $29.99, then credit card charged every month.
- Gold Level (build website + managed hosting) – total upfront fee is $239.95, followed by $29.99 credit card charged every month.
- Platinum Level (build website + managed hosting + posting all articles + unlimited website changes) total upfront is $239.95 followed by $39.99 credit card charge monthly.
- Only conservative candidates in the USA can purchase.
- You can find out all the information about pricing and service levels and watch a video on this page.
I also gave a brief background of why I decided to launch the service. It boils down to saving the country by making sure that patriots get elected.
Then I asked for my friends to help out be doing 3 things:
- Visit our Facebook page – like and share it.
- Share our website and this article on your social media, link to our site from your blog and web properties.
- Download the press release and share that with anyone you know who is in the media or a media influencer.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please leave them in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.